



  • AB 1055 t Taiko drummer doll (front)
  • AB 1130 m Hinaningyo
  • AB 1055 k, l Kakebanzen
  • AB 81-93 a Warabe-ningyo
  • AB 70-3 v Gosho-guruma
  • AB 62-1 a-u Miniature Hinaningyo Set
  • AB 88-1 Miniature Hinaningyo Set (open)
  • AB 90-4 a,b Snoopy Hinaningyo
  • AB 1055 r ww Sakura Tree
  • AB 1055 w Musician Hinaningyo (front)
  • 2004.10.2 No Actor Doll (front)
  • AB 1055 f Hinaningyo Empress Doll (front)
  • AB 1055 dd Hinaningyo Court Servant (front)
  • AB 1055 g Hinaningyo Emperor Doll (front)
  • AB 1055 p Hinaningyo Lady-in-Waiting (front)
  • AB 1055 y Hinamatsuri Guard Doll (front)

Hinamatsuri Did you know?

What is it?
Hinaningyō Doll
What is it made of?
Where is it from?
When was it made?
ca. 1925
Object ID

This dancer doll is intended for display during Hinamatsuri (the Doll Festival). The doll is portrayed kneeling on one knee; he has a stiff topknot tied with a green cord and wears a richly brocaded silk kimono in gold, blue, red, and green with wide tan silk trousers. The doll has composition hands, legs, and feet; his head is painted pinkish white with red lips. His kimono has wide sleeves with a tan silk cord woven into the edge and a tan obi (sash) at his waist.

A composition doll is a doll made partially or wholly out of composition, a material made from sawdust, glue, and other materials such as cornstarch, resin, and wood flour. The first composition dolls were made in the 19th century. They were marketed as unbreakable, compared to earlier more fragile dolls.

Gift of the City of Kyoto, 1926
2004.10.2 No Actor Doll (front)