

AB 85-46


  • AB 85-43 and AB 85-44 Sankaku Daruma
  • AB 82-12 Daruma (front)
  • AB 83-7 Daruma game
  • AB 88-6 Hime Daruma (front)
  • 2014.XX.10 Teen Tokyo Daruma (front)
  • 2010.15.1 Daruma toy (front)
  • AB 88-12 a-c Miniature Daruma Set
  • AB 85-54 Hime Daruma (front)
  • AB 85-46 Daruma on cow
  • AB 87-6 Daruma Puzzle
  • AB 88-9 Nesting Daruma
  • AB 83-5 Daruma Otoshi

Daruma Did you know?

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Where is it from?
When was it made?
Object ID
AB 85-46

This papier-mâché figurine features a cow with a Daruma doll riding on its back. The cow is painted black with a white nose, belly, and legs. It has blue eyes, yellow horns, and a blue saddle with a red border and five white spots on each side. The cow is a bobblehead. The Daruma is painted in the traditional red with pink face. It has two gold stripes above its brow, four gold stripes on each side of its face, and six gold stripes perpendicular to its chin. Its mouth is red, and its beard and eyebrows are black. The Daruma's eyes are white and have not been colored in. The Daruma and cow are two separate pieces that have been attached. 

AB 85-46 Daruma on cow