

AB 88-2


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What is it?
Chopsticks Set
What is it made of?
Where is it from?
Tokyo, Japan
When was it made?
Object ID
AB 88-2

This ohashi setto (set of chopsticks) is for a child. The box has a sliding top; the chopsticks can be stored inside for transport to and from school. The chopsticks are made of wood, painted blue, and decorated with a boy and ghost and the logo "Obake no Q-Taro." The case is made of white plastic, with a clear plastic top. The top is decorated with a train going down the tracks, and with trees. The case and chopsticks were not intended to go together and were probably purchased separately.

Obake no Q-taro is a manga by Fujiko Fujio; it tells the story of an obake (ghost) named Qtaro and his mischievous antics. The manga was drawn in 1964-1966 and in 1971-1974.

Chopsticks are short, frequently tapered sticks used in pairs of equal length, which are used as the traditional eating utensils of China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.


Purchased by Leslie Bedford, 1988
AB 88-2 Chopsticks Set